Top 10 Benefits That Make Hypnotherapy Training WorthWhile

Clinical hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and psychological treatment administered by a trained professional, such as a clinical hypnotherapist, a psychologist, a mental health professional, or even a doctor. Think of hypnosis as a “connector” that connects your subconscious mind to your conscious mind, also known as being in a trance state. By accessing deeply buried repressed memories, experiences, and emotions, we can more efficiently identify the cause of destructive behaviors/habits that would otherwise have taken weeks to discover. For this reason, many medically trained health care providers and allies rely on hypnotherapy to accelerate outcomes with their clients. With one in seven Australians experiencing depression in their lifetime and one in four experiencing anxiety, mental illness is quickly becoming Australia’s biggest national health problem.

There are also other benefits of using hypnosis to smoke or quit vaping. For starters, it rephrases behavior as a decision you make and helps you look for options that are better for your health. “Through hypnosis, you learn to focus on protecting your body as if it were a child, depending on you for its health and safety,” says Dr. Siegel. During a hypnotherapy session, your therapist will suggest positive ways to improve the health of your body, rather than focusing on the negative. “We’ve found that by using hypnosis, about a quarter of people who try it can permanently quit smoking,” says Dr. Siegel.

Suggestions are a tailored invitation to experience imaginary events as if they were real. They are not dependent on the individual and are not like asking a psychologist what they will say during psychotherapy. For example, a 2018 study investigated the use of self-hypnosis in palliative care.

Sleep hypnosis is the use of hypnotherapy to manage sleep problems, such as insomnia and sleep anxiety. Sleep hypnotherapy helps you work on the underlying issues that life coach prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. Sleep hypnotherapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.

While the subjects are in the state of hypnosis, the hypnotherapist may suggest changes in behavior and perception that can help improve the subject’s life. Hypnotherapists generally believe that placing these suggestions directly into the subconscious mind can cancel out previously held beliefs and behavior patterns to create dramatic changes in the subject’s life. One of the main benefits of hypnotherapy can be the deep feeling of relaxation that subjects feel while in a state of hypnosis. This state of relaxation can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression to improve overall health. Many believe that the benefits of hypnotherapy include its ability to aid in weight loss, its ability to relieve pain, and its ability to relieve allergy or asthma symptoms. Professionals use clinical hypnosis to help patients achieve psychological and physiological change.