Philly Pools Look For Lifeguards For The Summer Of 2022

We specialize in recreation, sports, catering, retail, childcare. Customer coverage in the Sales and Executive, Construction, Engineering, Industrial and Attention sectors. Our specialties are; temporary staff, search and permanent selection, outsourcing of recruitment processes and salary management.

“Sidea lifeguards also need specific open water training, so they are generally ‘rescue guards’ who have experience and training with the pool,” said Everett. “Without pools that were open last summer, our experienced first responders found other jobs, so we don’t have any rescuers to return.”.” Some of you may not have full control over all steps that need to be done for your organization, but you can influence them.

“We are experiencing the same recruitment challenges that many face now,” said Mike Griggs, director of Columbia Parks and Recreation. “If we don’t have enough staff in our pools to ensure the safety of our pool users, we have no choice but to shorten our pool season and possibly not open some facilities.”. These are difficult decisions, but we hope to add staff for the summer.” The recruitment effort follows a challenging summer season 2021, in which less than 70% of the city’s approximately 70 outdoor pools were open due to a shortage of lifeguards.

For more information, visit the “Available vacancies” column on our website or view the corresponding circular advertising / recruitment vacancy. A lifeguard is used to ensure the safety of swimmers or swimmers in a municipal swimming pool, a private leisure club or a public beach or swimming lake. They are strong and highly skilled swimmers who can save the weak or non-swimmers if they have problems with the water. Depending on the employer, you may notice that a lifeguard role may include other tasks, such as pool maintenance, swimming lessons or customer service. SCMG makes an unprecedented attempt to identify and recruit the best person for each job. From our executive team to our seasonal first responders, we choose each individual one by one.

According to some facility operators, your current workforce is apathetic to lighting or lacks the responsibility needed to be one. Combine this with the unwillingness to spend the required 30 to 40 hours on a lifeguard certification course and it will be a recipe for scarcity. Facility operators can combat part of this by giving potential first responders a full guarantee that if they successfully complete the certification course, they will be hired for a position.

The best way to prepare for 550-meter swimming is to swim at least three times a week, preferably five times a week. Although the first swimming test is in the pool, recruited candidates must also train in the ocean to prepare for the ocean swim test that takes ναυαγοσωστική σχολή place around week 4 of the recruitment class. Swimming in the ocean is very different from swimming in the pool, so it is essential to practice in the ocean. Therefore, it can be difficult to find people with the right mindset, personality and skills.

There is no quick solution to build a diverse and fair workforce. The most important action you can take is to leave the office and be present in your community and in the activities it offers. Raising awareness of seasonal jobs, such as camp counselors and first responders, is an important step.

CLICK HERE for information on operations, maintenance and Jeff Ellis Swimming. These courses can be a great way to effectively recruit lifeguards. If you have a group or private swimming class program, you may arouse interest in becoming a lifeguard for young people in your community. By regularly offering Junior lifeguard courses, you can convert that interest into dedicated and high-quality staff. In addition, the city should also expand its network with other nearby communities that have set up swimming programs in high school to encourage them to be certified and to apply for lifeguard positions in Medford. In Peterborough, New Hampshire, park officials also see a lack of first aid applicants and the guards who recruited them are lagging behind because of training and certification programs that stopped during the pandemic.

This means that the city’s pools will open later in the season or may be closed. Few jobs offer the opportunity to save a life and water the community, and this should be constantly emphasized for the team. Taking advantage of local high schools, community colleges and universities is a great first step. Most secondary schools have a student activity coordinator who helps organize the different groups that have opportunities for students. Knowing this person and developing a good relationship with them can play an important role in recruiting potential first responders from these local schools. There are several obstacles to recruiting and retaining first responders, including money, posture, time and the physical component of work.