12 Essential Things You Need To Know Before Traveling To The US

Also, in most places in Europe, you now need a chip credit card to use it. However, most U.S. banks are now switching to this. Today, many European cities use smart cards for public transport. It’s a good idea to google in advance what kind of cards are available and what the best option is for your visit, and most importantly, how to load money on them. Buying individual, outdated tickets is usually the most expensive way to travel and may no longer be available at all. Another tip when it comes to carry-on luggage, make sure you don’t have too much.

I also search online for tickets to top attractions that can save money and allow you to skip the line. And city museum passes can be great for a longer stay. Also, check out websites like MeetUp.com or CouchSurfing.org and similar travel websites to see what kind of activities are happening nearby luxe reis antarctica and join one. Take the time to hang out with the locals who actually live in the country you’re visiting. People enrich their travels more than sights. This pre-approved ticket can save you hours at an airport, and because all forms are electronic, you don’t have to fill out many documents.

The only thing I would like to add is that in many places it is recommended that you only take official taxis from inside the airport gates: Mexico City, Caracas, Bogota, many larger cities in India. Unfortunately, I have met several people who have been scammed or, worse, stolen by unofficial taxis. The legitimate cost more, especially from the airport, but it’s a small price to pay. Obviously, every place you go offers unique challenges, but following this list will help you get off to a good start. Above all, do not forget the cardinal rule of travel: pack lightly.

Google Flights – This is a fantastic tool created by Google that can save you time and energy when searching for flights. Leave a copy of your passport and itinerary with family or friends – this can help them contact you if there is an emergency. It’s also worth leaving copies of your credit cards, airline tickets, and any traveler’s checks. Travel insurance is the most important thing you get that you never want to use. If something goes wrong, you don’t want to lose thousands of dollars in bills. It will be there if you get robbed, flights are cancelled, you get sick or injured, or you need to be sent home.

Use a local airline to book short-haul flights in the country. Ryanair or Easy Jet will save you tons of money when you fly in Europe. It is also advisable to look for free stops offered by different airlines that give you two destinations for the price of one.