10 Things Your Dentist Wants To Know About Oral Health



The procedure can also remove traces of plaque that may have been lost after brushing and flossing. People with gingivitis can benefit from a full brushing, dental floss and timed dental cleansing to prevent their gum disease from developing into periodontal disease. Sugar isn’t the only culprit for tooth decay and gum disease, some surprisingly ‘healthy’ foods can also be harmful to our teeth, such as lemons, pickles and grapefruits. These foods are very acidic, which can eat overtime in tooth enamel, creating tooth decay. Smoking has proven to be harmful to your body, even the health of your mouth. Smoking can lead to stained teeth, gum disease, tooth loss and even oral cancer.

When left untreated, the accumulation of tartar increases the risk of caries and gum disease. Without sufficient saliva, the mouth is vulnerable to infections such as gum disease. And some medications can cause abnormal gum overgrowth, making it difficult to Dentist Office Near Me keep teeth and gums clean. Several common medications, including decongestants, antihistamines, pain killers, diuretics, and antidepressants, can reduce saliva flow. Flossing can kill plaque and bacteria between teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach them.

Dentists don’t have a crystal ball that magically lets them know their oral hygiene and lifestyle – their gums tell them everything they need to know. Good dental hygiene habits have no expiry date; It can start at any time. No one, regardless of age, likes to know that they have cavities, gum disease or, worse, oral cancer. The best way to protect your mouth is to prevent these dental health problems from occurring in the first place. Your dentist knows what to do to keep tooth decay, gum disease and cancer free. Many patients experience gum bleeding and gum sensitivity during routine dental examinations and regular brushing.

His mouth is home to millions of bacteria, most of them harmless, but some cause our teeth to break down and spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. Periodontitis causes your gums to become chronically infected, causing bacteria and inflammation that can spread to other parts of the body. Solves it in tantrum and makes you think that everything is too difficult??

Dietary changes to reduce bacteria In addition to remedies, changes in the general diet can also help slow the progression of tooth decay. By regularly consuming sweet, sugary snacks and sweetened drinks, such as fruit juices or soft drinks, you help spread tooth decay through harmful bacteria. Consider reducing your intake of sugary snacks and drinks and using a straw when consuming things like soda and fruit juice, so sticky sugars avoid your teeth. It is a good idea to brush and floss immediately afterwards, perhaps followed by good antibacterial mouthwash. The idea here is to prevent sugar residues from remaining in the mouth and feeding bacteria, allowing them to multiply and spread.