Tag: people
Popular Reasons Why People Invest In Crypto
You can shop in Overstock.com to buy furniture for your home with cryptocurrency. You can even start a spending wave at Nordstrom, which also accepts Bitcoin from customers. Bitcoin and ether are currently the largest and most valuable cryptocurrencies. Both use blockchain technology, where transactions are added to a container called a block, and a…
Top 6 Reasons Why People Migrate To Australia
As a nation built on a migration base, Australia’s historically strong population growth is drawn from both natural increase and net overseas migration. Migration has made a substantial contribution to the Australian economy, with nearly 7 million of Australia’s population of nearly 25 million foreign-born. The Australian community has been enriched by the presence of…
How Young People Benefit From Playgroup
Families from culturally diverse backgrounds may be reluctant to attend a conventional community play group because of concerns about their limited English competence, or because they believe they will not be welcome there (McDonald et al .2014). Sustained play groups specifically targeting CALD groups provide a culturally safe environment in which to develop social support,…