Are We Getting False Survival Warnings From Fake News?

You may have heard of these countable strikes that never happen. Or the fact that some of the world’s islands may exist for only ten years before they are flooded by global warming, but still exist half a century later. While global warming can be a threat, do we get false survival warnings to prepare when there is still time?

All major issues affecting individual countries, such as the 2016 US presidential election and the UK’s Brexit vote, or issues of concern to the world, such as global warming and climate change, are threatened by fake news that could lead to results. . While the topic of fake news has gained a wider audience since the 2016 U.S. election, fake news has always had a disturbing impact on us.

Fake news is not a recent phenomenon and has existed for a long time, but their influence has increased with the spread of the Internet and social networks. The phenomenon of fake news is caused by the rapid spread of digital media and their ability to spread any message around the world. This leads to a situation where fake news cannot be verified, verified or challenged until it is available to the world.

Scientists are fighting fake news. Climate change scientists are fighting this phenomenon of fake news, which can confuse both the general public whose support is needed to make changes to preserve the environment, and the decision makers. which, although painful, are necessary to stop further damage to the environment.

In such a scenario, it is imperative that scientists step up their efforts to disseminate correct and evidence more widely, so that people are more aware of science and can value facts as they are and not be influenced by them. Disinformation campaigns and deliberate disclosure of false information. . Global organizations such as the United Nations believe that the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals can only be achieved if scientific literature and results reach a wider audience.

Campaigns on misinformation, misinformation and deliberately disclosed contradictions have led to a situation where surveys in the United States and the United Kingdom show that while the vast majority of scientists agree that the phenomenon of modern climate change is largely due to human activities, the population as a whole. is not aware of such unanimity on this issue, although many believe that it is still unanswered. This widespread denial of climate change and its causes is a direct result of the scientific community’s inability to effectively refute fake news on this issue.

Habits need to change. In their quest for greater dissemination of accurate and evidence, scientists must change their long-standing habit of sharing information with the scientific community as a primary goal and instead develop a habit of sharing their information beyond the community. also for public use. public too.

Scientists must use the latest technological tools in their efforts to disseminate scientific information so that they can develop effective means of bilateral communication with the general public. The emerging interdisciplinary field of translational ecology can help scientists turn environmental research into public policy.

It is important to transform the current scenario into a scenario in which society understands and values its point of view and is able to establish and understand the facts about climate change if we are to ensure that environmental issues are broadly addressed in the world. Support. One way to support the growth of scientific sentiment is to know fake news and try to prevent their spread.

What is fake news? Since ancient times, rulers have indulged in indirect information and planted information to their advantage. But obtaining information that corresponds to someone’s beliefs or ideology cannot be called fake. Fake news can be described as a completely made-up story without any justification put forward by special interests for their own purposes.

It’s our fault, too! With the advent of the Internet, everyone, from the individual to the media and government, participates in the dissemination of fake news, although their motivations can range from strengthening political power to achieving financial goals or personal interests. But how do you know if the news is real or fake?

When searching for fake news, find a source of news. If they are distributed from a legitimate source of information, it is most likely not a fake, but if it is sourced from sources you have not heard of or about which you were not aware, then such news should be received as a last resort. salt and check it out from a known genuine source before you believe it. The most obvious way to stop the spread of fake news is human intervention. Technology alone cannot filter and share fake news. Aware of this measurement, Facebook began this practice and asked the International Fact-Checking Network to investigate the news, which users called a deliberate forgery.

To stop the spread of fake news, you need to take responsibility for what you share. Don’t share anything on social media without going into details of a story or photo. Check the source of the story or photos you want to broadcast and share them only if they come from reliable sources.

Also, start telling the sender fake news. They may not know the real facts and pass them on thinking it is true and you can help them stop the spread of such news.

Only such collective action by the scientific community and the general public will enable us to address environmental issues such as climate change.

Plan, prepare, protect, succeed, hold on, hold on, succeed and keep your body, soul and family together. You need a plan to prepare and protect yourself and your family. Survival is our strategy! “

Thanks for reading. I’d like to know what your ideas are and what you’ve done to better prepare for outdoor survival skills, as well as how to practice and why, so leave your comments below and share your thoughts.






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